

Pieshu (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Pie-shoe
Female: Doe| Male: Boe | Baby: Snoo

Pieshu are one of the few creatures to be found around Whistler Crest that are the same in the wilderness as they are in homes. There was no necessity to domesticate them as they are naturally docile and timid creatures. They prefer to laze about, cuddle and sing. They make for excellent companions because of these reasons.


For more information, see here.



Suiryn (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Swee-rin
Female & Male: Suiryn | Infant: Suipole

Most Suiryn are dull browns, to blend into their natural habitat. The most common markings to see on them are either spots or stripes, most often a darker or lighter color than their main body color. The brighter the colors of its skin are, the more rare a Suiryn is considered. Some Suiryn even have the natural mutation of their pupils being horizontal instead of vertical, making these the most sought after and can fetch a high price if sold. Their back lure and eyes can glow, and in some rare cases they can glow two colors at once.


For more information, see here.


Gemipo (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Jem-ee-poe
Female: Hen | Male: Cod | Baby: Chick

These birds are very friendly and social animals. They seem to almost prefer to be in captivity, always seeking to be around others. Even when in the wild they will always be seen in a flock of other Gemipo, or at the very least with one partner at their side. They are extremely intelligent and bond quickly with new owners. They naturally grow gems on their body, and it is said if the bond between a Gemipo and their owner is strong enough, the owner might sprout some similar gems of their own!


For more information, see here.


Pikoo (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Pee-Coo
Female & Male: Pikoo | Baby: Peeking

Pikoo are highly domesticated, tapir-like creatures once originally native to a tropical continent far, far from Whistler Crest. They've long since been almost entirely made extinct in the wild, but are thriving and are incredibly popular as pets. It is likely that, if not for their domestication, they'd have certainly gone extinct due to their poor survival skills and lack of adaptable diet. It's unknown how they behave in the wild, as most of their population exists in captivity, but their domesticated behavior has been very well documented and much has been discovered about their sociology as they are very easy to observe due to their intense desire to be social. Pikoo are incredibly friendly, loving creatures that are endlessly loyal to only a single owner in their entire life. If their owner dies or leaves them, they will loose all will, refusing food and water, and will quickly wither away. They are good companions to people with sedentary lives and very rigid schedules, but will prove burdensome to those who are social with irregular schedules, and spent long bouts of time away from home or are busy when they are home.


For more information, see here.

Heart Betta

Heart Betta (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Hart Bet-tah
Female: Kisses| Male: Hugs | Baby: Squishes

Heart Bettas are a peculiar type of fish seen swimming through the nearby lake and river ways around the month of February. They appear as suddenly as they vanish, seemingly migrating through, even thought many of the Whistler Crest bodies of water are landlocked. Because of their timely arrival, these fish have been heavily associated with Heartsgiving, and a tradition has arisen which sees these fish being given as gifts to cherished loved ones. Because of this, these fish are often found kept as pets.


For more information, see here.



Pufkin (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Puff-kin
Singular: Pufkin | Plural: Pufkins

Pufkins are small mammalian creatures known to inhabit forest floors. They are not very large, not very fast, but extremely resilient. They have bodies which can withstand incredible amounts of pressure and are known to thrive in any temperature or weather conditions. They have small, round bodies, and have been described as being very "plush". They live in small groups called snuggles, which usually consist of whole extended families. Large communities of Pufkins are referred to as cuddle parties. The largest documented community of Pufkins was clocked in at over 100 individuals. They are social creatures and prefer to be around others. They're known for being extremely affectionate, even in the wild, and appear to have no fear of larger creatures. They have often been called courageous as they will not back down, regardless of the aggression shown to them. They are known to make excellent pets and are extremely loyal when cared for with love and affection.

Pufkins are not very large, rounded and feature prominent and distinct plant-like antenna on their heads. These antenna mimic various types of leaves in order to help the pufkin blend into its surroundings. They can shed and lose their antenna painlessly and will grow them back at an extremely fast rate. Pufkin are rarely seen without their antenna.


For more information, see here.



Battle (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Ba-tol
Female: Female | Male: Male | Baby: Pup

Battle are curious little in theyre not bugs at all! Despite their similarities to one at first glance, these little mammals only have the chitinous shell that some insects have, and look rather similar to bats!

Males and females are sexually dimorphic, but only in the sense of the males having webbed hooks on their limbs. Otherwise, they are identical color wise.

For more information, see here.


Drakesprite (Domestic Pets)

Pronunciation: Drake-Sprite
Singular: Drakesprite | Plural: Drakesprites

Drakesprites were once thought to be mythical creatures, and were recently discovered by the members of the Questing Guild before they mounted an expedition to the west. Though they are very clearly real, no one knows where they originated from. They easily adapt to their surroundings, making them very similar to Nyulop and Draken. They have the miraculous ability to recycle dead mana, that and their normally docile disposition make them good companions for citizens suffering from Mana Burn.


For more information, see here.


Hopket (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Hop-keh-tis
Female: Hoppi | Male: Hop | Baby: Joey

Hopkets are cheerful, playful creatures bestowed to the residents of Whistler Crest by the infamous Grand Giver as a gift in order to help ease the tension and fear left behind during the last HH. They love to play and can play for hours at a time. Their bright and playful demeanor is perfect for kids and their ability to mimic anything- including voices!- makes playtime with them all the more fun and exciting(don't forget the pranking capability)! They are not the smartest creatures, far from it in fact. They don't seem to fully register pain and instead tend to laugh and giggle as if they just pulled a prank, so as their owners it would be highly recommended you keep a careful eye on them less they get themselves really hurt!

Despite that they are very resilient creatures, able to withstand pretty much any temperature and condition you throw at them, as to them it's nothing short of a game. They see everything through the lenses of a child and as such hardly take anything seriously, though they do seem to have an innate ability to tell when their owner needs comfort or a distraction and will give such thing as needed, making them great companions for any and everyone.


For more information, see here.


Comfiki (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Com-Fee-Kee
Pair: Duet | Group: Choir

Comfiki are mysterious little creatures created by the Grand Giver herself as a gift to Whistler’s Crest. After seeing the disarray and panic lingering in the townsfolk after the events of HH, she decided to bless them with a companion that could comfort them through trying times. As a result, Comfiki are…interesting to say the least when compared to other pets. Their fur is brightly colored and quite soft and Comfiki are almost squishy when held. Paired with their fixed expressions and stitch like markings, Comfiki resemble living plushies! Docile and incredibly affectionate nature, Comfiki are perfect to snuggle up with.

The orb on a Comfiki’s tail emits a soft light, and it’s warmth is especially popular with children, or anyone who has trouble getting a good nights rest. Comfiki tend to bond to one owner, but will do just fine around other individuals. They especially love to be around one of their own, and will sing and chirp to communicate with one another. Their tune changes with their mood and a good rule of thumb is the brighter and longer the tune, the happier your Comfiki is! It has been known to be good luck to bring Comfiki together on the last day of the Dark Year and let them sing together, as is said their tune is sweetest around this time. Choirs are led by the Comfiki with the happiest voice—known as the “cantor”—and will sing past midnight and into the new year. Owners offer take great pride in their Comfiki’s tune, and will compete to see who’s Comfiki will be the cantor each year. 


For more information, see here.



Krampling (Domestic Pets)

Pronounced: Cramp-ling
Female: Doe | Male: Buck | Baby: Kit

Kramplings are creatures often only seen out and about when times of giving are around and presents are changing hands. Quite the little hopping fiends, Kramplings are natural-born thieves, holding presents between their antlers and running off with them in an attempt to get chased. Though they may seem like pests, these little mammals are quite easily befriended; and all it takes is offering them a gift yourself!


For more information, see here.

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