All Prompts

Spiritualist Magic VI: Controlling Luck II


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier V, one (1) week period following the approval of Tier V.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop concentrating their charm into a physical attack. Why are they doing that? To defend themselves?
Description: Harnessing Charm energy and concentrating it into a physical attack which can be projected outwards towards an enemy(ies)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic II: Precious Metals


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier I, one (1) week period following the approval of Tier I.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop either mining or gathering minerals/metals or working with Oren at the forge. They can be doing anything so long as it includes them working with a precious metal: gold, silver, etc.
Description: Capable of turning basic elements into precious metals (Gold, Silver, etc.).


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic VI: Transmuting Luck II


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier V, one (1) week period following the approval of Tier V.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop concentrating their magic into a physical form...and then blasting it at something! BOOM! What did they shoot it at? How'd that go?
Description: Harnessing Charm energy and concentrating it into a physical attack which can be projected outwards towards an enemy(ies).
Danger Tier: Can cause up to tier three (3) injuries.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic VII: Healing


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VI, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VI.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop creating some sort of healing ointment or potion. Who did they create it for? Did that person use it? Did it work?
Description: Creating a panacea (a supposed 'cure-all' for illnesses.)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic VIII: Dangerous Miasma


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VII, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop mastering gasses. Are they bending it? Bottling it? Throwing it at someone?
Description: Creating various types of gasses which can be condensed/controlled into 'smoke bomb' like attacks.
Danger Tier: Can cause up to tier four (4) injuries.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic IX: Beyond Science


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VIII, three (3) week period following the approval of Tier VIII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop changing a plant or insect into another type of plant or insect. How'd that go? What did they transmute?
Description: Capable of transmuting small biological entities (one plant type to another, one insect type to another).


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic X: Enhancement


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier IX, three (3) week period following the approval of Tier IX.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop turning the elements around them into a weapon, armour or a shield. Are they using it in combat? Self-defence? What's going on?
Description: Capable of transmuting elements around them into temporary armour, shields, etc. As well as other potential enhancements to be used in the heat of battle.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Alchemist Magic V: Transmuting Luck I


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier IV, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier IV.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop concentrating their magic into a physical form! What does that look like? And what are they putting it into? A doll? A hairbrush? Why did they choose that item?
Description: Harnessing Charm energy and concentrating it into a physical form or imbuing it into a physical object (creating 'good luck charms').


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic VII: Dangerous Control


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VII, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop changing the weather. Is it raining now? Sunny? Snowing? How sizable is their change?
Description: Can cause storms and natural disasters (size varies!).


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic VII: Healing


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VI, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VI.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop creating a healing potion. Are they searching for ingredients? Mixing them together? How'd it turn out?
Description: Can create healing brews with plants and other ingredients they can find around themselves (quick and easy!).


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic IX: Becoming One


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VIII, three (3) week period following the approval of Tier VIII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop making themselves appear invisible to someone despite being in plain sight!
Description: Capable of camouflaging in plain sight through the help of the world around them.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic V: Controlling Luck I


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier IV, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier IV.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop concentrating their charm into a physical object. What are they creating? A staff? Wand? Magical jewelry?
Description: Harnessing Charm energy and concentrating it into a physical form or imbuing it into a physical object (EX: creating magical jewelry, wands, staffs, etc.)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic IV: Communion III


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier Ill, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier III.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop talking to a Spirit. Maybe it's a tree Spirit? Plant Spirit? Water Spirit? Where are they talking to them? What does the Spirit appear to look like to them? (NOTE: Spirits are NOT ghosts! They are not deceased. They are just usually invisible to most people.)
Description: Capable of Spirits of nature. Able to feel the world, communicate with mysterious entities (guardians most likely...).


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic III: Communion II


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier II, one (1) week period following the approval of Tier II.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop either understanding a creature's feelings (are they calming a raging animal, comforting a scared one?) OR summoning an animal to them/their aid.
Description: Capable of understanding the feelings of other creatures, being able to tame them easily and even summon them for help.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic II: Communion I


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier 1, one (1) week period following the approval of Tier I.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop tending to some plants. Are they healing a broken or sick plant? Helping a plant grow abnormally fast?
Description: Capable of understanding and caring for plants, making them grow abnormally fast, and healing damages/injuries done to them.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Spiritualist Magic I: Understanding Charm


Prerequisite: Growing up.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop learning about spiritualism. Are they learning from a book? Scroll? An NPC?
Description: Capable of reading and comprehending text on spiritualism.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Crafter Magic X: Enhancement


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier IX, three (3) week period following the approval of Tier IX.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop casting magic to enhance themselves. Maybe they've increased their speed? Physical strength? Their defense?
Description: Casting spells that enhance the caster in some sort of way (EX: increased speed, defense, etc.)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Crafter Magic IX: Containment


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VIII, three (3) week period following the approval of Tier VIII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop casting a spell that allows them to contain something. Maybe they're bubbling around a raging animal? Or maybe they're bubbling an inanimate object? 
Description: Casting spells that can contain physical things -- biological or inorganic -- inside an object.


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Crafter Magic VIII: Dangerous Casting


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VII, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VII.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop using their magic to hinder someone! Maybe they cause them to trip? Drop something? Even develop a cold...? Was it an accident? Was it...on purpose?
Description: Casting spells that can have negative effects on another creature (EX: causing someone to trip, drop something, develop a cold, etc.)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
Crafter Magic VII: Helpful Casting


Prerequisite: Mastery of Tier VI, two (2) week period following the approval of Tier VI.
Requirement: Draw your Nyulop using their magic to help someone! Maybe they're lifting someone so they can reach something, or helping someone leap over something large, maybe even helping someone with a stubborn cold?
Description: Casting spells that can have positive effects on another creature (EX: causing someone to easily jump something, find something, get over an illness, etc.)


No rewards.


No skill increase.
50 results found.